The 1987 Membership Rules of the Band provide for a Membership Committee to be appointed by Council to review applications for discretionary membership in the Band.
The committee will consist of:
(a) four Eligible Electors, each of whom represents one of the four major families of the Band:
(b) one impartial non-Band member who enjoys the confidence of the Band.
We invite electors from each of the four families listed above, to suggest an eligible elector to be appointed by Council to sit on the Membership Committee for your family.
As well as a non-Band member who enjoys the confidence of the Band.
We ask for any comments to be written and sent to the Membership Clerk at 414 Cornwall Road, PO Box 440, Ashcroft BC V0K 1A0 or, by e-mail to
For more information...
Invitation to serve on AIB's Membership Committee - Click here